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Izmantot austiņas.
"the garden"
Andrejs Poikāns
An exploration of intimacy in the face of artificiality. Drawn from the notion of J. Derrida, that the "voice is consciousness", it is utterly strange to imagine or even uncanny,
that the traces of ones consciousness or the body could be deprived from her, copied, stored, commodified. Slowly taking place in the domain of synthetic media
and better known as DeepFake or fake news, there is a necessity for discussion about the role of these technologies in society without being biased to say "hackers will steal my money"
or that it is "to make life more efficient". By using methods of AI voice synthesis, sonification and 'granulation' of synthetic speech, the guided 'meditation' seeks to
expand upon the liminal stage of embodied identity heading towards reflections of itself in disembodiment. Taking inspiration from 'self talk' as a means to heal and
its close relation to a state of verbal hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia - the opposition of voice as conscious and noise as unconscious, and the ability to distinguish one from another.
Angainst all things smart.
Pirms mēs sākam,
Novelciet apavus,
Pasniedziet savu cepuri,
Elpojiet dziļi.
Šis ir jūsu ķermenis un jūsu ķermeņa atstātās pēdas.
Lūdzu nogulieties.
Jūs plūstat pa ūdens virsmu.
Jūs plūstat pa ūdens virsmu.
Jūs plūstat pa ūdens virsmu.
Piecdesmit četri, astoņdesmi trīs.
Iztēlojieties sevi Gangas upes krastā,
skaļā un mūžīgi skaidrā balsī sakot:
Es vairs nejūtu piesaisti īpašumam,
mani vairs nesatrauc "cietumsods" vai "brīvība",
ja esmu sevī iznīdējis savas dabiskās vēlmes,
tad viņš mani nevar pakļaut savai gribai, jo viss,
kas no manis palicis pāri, ir empīrisku baiļu un iekāres neskarams.
Esmu mērķtiecīgi atgriezies savas patības citadelē -
mans saprāts, mana dvēsele, mans noumenālais "es" - to, lai arī ko viņi darītu,
nespēj aizskart nedz ārēji spēki, nedz civēka ļaunprātība.
Atkārtojiet pēc manis.
Es atgriežos sevī, tur un vienīgi tur, esmu drošībā.
Atkārtojiet pie sevis.
Es atgriežos sevī, tur un vienīgi tur, esmu drošībā.
Es atgriežos sevī, tur un vienīgi tur, esmu drošībā.
Es atgriežos sevī, tur un vienīgi tur, esmu drošībā.
Veikt skenēšanu.
[Fragmenti no Jesja Berlina esejas "Atgriešanās patības citadelē"]
Before we start,
Take of your shoes,
Give me your hat,
Take a deep breath.
This is your body and traces of that body,
Lay down please.
You are floating.
You are floating.
You are floating.
Fifty four, eighty three.
Imagine yourself, standing on the banks of river Ganga,
and saying loudly and clearly in your eternal voice:
[..]I no longer feel attached to property,
no longer care whether or not I am in prison,
if I have killed within myself my natural affections,
then he cannot bend me to his will, for all that is left of myself
is no longer subject to empirical fears or desires. It is as if I
had performed a strategic retreat into an inner citadel-- my reason,
my soul, my 'noumenal' self--which, do what they may, neither external
blind force, nor human malice, can touch.
Repeat after me.
I have withdrawn into myself;
there, and there alone, I am secure.
Repeat to yourself.
I have withdrawn into myself;
there, and there alone, I am secure.
I have withdrawn into myself;
there, and there alone, I am secure.
I have withdrawn into myself;
there, and there alone, I am secure.
I have withdrawn into myself;
there, and there alone, I am secure.
[Fragments from Isiah Berlin's "The Retreat To The Inner Citadel"]